Greenlam Sturdo offers restroom stalls and bathroom cubicles that are internationally recognized for their exceptional quality and going above and beyond industry standards. Here are some certifications that we have acquired to ensure the quality of our products: Antivirus Compact Laminate Greenlam Industries’ compact laminates passed a test which measures the antiviral activity on plastics and other non-porous surfaces. This test certification guarantees that partitions used in the manufacture of our public restrooms promote a hygienic and safe environment. FSC Certification All the products carry the FSC® certification. The certification is a mark of responsible forestry, which is testament to…
Read MoreThe quality and condition of school toilet facilities speak volumes, not only about the sanitation and health protocols but the safety of students as well. No matter how many hours you spend putting on a professional look for parents, as soon as they step into dirty and ugly bathroom cubicles, the facade instantly disappears. It is, therefore, important to install and maintain school bathrooms. Greenlam’s Sturdo brand offers an extensive range of bathroom cubicles specially designed for schools. This blog explores some 2021 bathroom cubicle trends that you must know to keep your toilet facilities welcoming and clean. Read on!…
Read MoreBathroom Cubicles are an indispensable part of any public or commercial restroom space. They are one of the most essential long-term investments that should be chosen with utmost care. Greenlam Sturdo brings you exclusive bathroom partitions including Classique, Vibrance, Designer, and Kids collections. The Classique collection is available in eternal classiness of aluminum and stainless steel hardware for a unique combination of durability and innovation. Greenlam’s Classique series of bathroom partitions are designed to provide comfort in any space that experiences heavy footfall. Equipped with multiple hardware fittings including standard adjustable foot, top rail arrangements, and shoebox, the cubicle designs…
Read MoreGyms bathrooms are probably one of the most challenging restroom design projects one can take on. With sweaty gym members coming in and out all day long, the expectations at fitness center restrooms are high. A couple bathroom cubicles won’t cut it. Gym owners need to choose only the best materials to create easy to clean, practical and comfortable restrooms to satisfy the needs of all gym goers. If you are planning to invest in your gym’s restroom, this article is for you. Read on as we present some great ideas for your establishment’s restroom. Must Haves for a Gym’s…
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