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5 Things to Consider When Choosing Toilet Cubicles

  • October 15, 2019
  • 6 Min Read

Picking the right toilet partition can be challenging. This is because people want to ensure that the toilet partitions are durable, reliable and don’t require a lot of maintenance. On top of it all, finding all these qualities within a fixed budget is a greater challenge. Here is a guide that aims at assisting you in finding the right toilet cubicles or partitions without having to make a hole in your wallet:

1. Quality

Quality and durability are the hallmarks of a great toilet partition. You need to look for a material that is durable, stands the test of time and withstand rough handling. Toilet partitions of impeccable quality are typically built with nylon polyamide, stainless steel, and aluminium hardware fitting.

2. Moisture Resistance

It makes sense that restrooms are generally moist, which can have drastic effect on toilet partition material. Restrooms have constant moisture and humidity, which can result in the paper-core to become drenched. The more moisture, the higher the chance of mold sprouting, foul odors, and can cause respiratory issues. To combat this, you should invest in a material that is resistant to restroom elements and does not require frequent replacement.

Related : 5 Classic Styles To Consider When Choosing Toilet Cubicles

3. Maintenance Cost

Excessive maintenance of restroom partitions are no fun. Maintenance activities can include tightening of screws, adjusting the hardware, or painting regularly, which will result in increased man-hours and subsequent maintenance costs. You want a reliable material that helps in saving money and offers higher returns on your investment.

4. Privacy

Toilet cubicles are all about privacy. Some toilet partition materials can leave certain areas exposed through door gaps and open spaces on the top and bottom of cubicles. You can avoid these sightlines by choosing more privacy-oriented toilet partitions.

5. Features

When choosing toilet partition, it makes sense to look into additional features such as range, designs, and safety standards. Our toilet partition materials are available in antibacterial grade, exclusive silk finish, manufactured in accordance to ISO 2046, build with nylon polyamide, stainless steel, and aluminum hardware fittings, available in various sizes, shapes, and colors, and hygienic.

The Final Word

If you are looking for toilet cubicles, look no further than Greenlam Sturdo. Our toilet cubicles and toilet partition materials offer unmatched aesthetic beauty and customization, easy installation, top-notch functionality, and enduring quality. Talk to us today and discuss your requirement to get toilet cubicles and partition prices. Write to us at or simply call +91-11-4279-1399.

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